Players draw a card describing a situation. Then, each child expresses face down with an emoji card whether they like, dislike or love the situation described. All players turn over the emoji cards at the same time and react without judgment to each other's feelings.
Material needed
Learning objectives
8-12 years old, in group, outdoor/indoor
10 min
Pedagogical interest
Learn how to get to know each other and oneself without judgement: offer an ice-breaking means aimed at bonding children by putting them in different situations, be it funny, entertaining or embarrassing, in their daily lives. The game allows for children to share freely facts about themselves, discover alike thinkers, and understand other points of view. It prepares young people who can confidently share their views and know how to do this respectfully. There is no card "neither like, no dislike" as the games aims for children to really take a standpoint.
Building confidence and independence by caring less about what other people think about us: as with any other societal group, students do not always know each other very well. They can have preconceived ideas, which can lead them to be afraid of others and what they think, and therefore sometimes also intimidate or reject them. Likedislike helps children develop their social relationships and promotes inclusion.
Speak out: give reasons to speak out with words, verbally, their emotions and feelings. Likedislike fosters expression of thoughts and feelings and provokes discussion about habits and emotions which may often stay out of the comfort zone of children. It develops healthy communication skills in the youngest.
Develop one's sensibility: extends one's emotional sensibility. and understand the rules of common life as well as respect what others think or feel.
Question one's self: fuel curiosity and help adopt ethical and responsible behaviour.
Game rules
Game narrative: With Likadislike, break the ice by betting on the opinion group you belong to in realistic and funny situations.
Role of the teacher and game organisation: We will call the children, players, and the adult in charge of the children, a referee. While the players take turns playing, the referee decides the order.
Installation: Shuffle the situation cards pack and place it in the middle of the players.
Give each player a reaction card of each type: I don't like, I like I love.
Place all group cards in the middle of the players: majority median minority
Each game turn consists of three successive phases:
Phase of the active game
Reaction phase
Disclosure stage
A game session ends when all players have been active the same number of times. Whoever has the most victory points (situation cards) wins!
Round 1 - Active play
At each turn, the active player changes. All players will take turns to be active.
The active player takes the following steps while never showing their card:
Draw a situation card and read it alone
Choose his reaction card describing best his real feelings towards the situation or whether the situation corresponds to how they react having the same circumstances.
Choose the group card matching their position, if they think(*) they will be in the players' majority, minority or neither (median) who feel/act that way.
Decide if the voting will be about "feel towards" or "act like in" the situation.
Round 2 - Reaction phase
At the beginning of the reaction phase, the active player shows the situation card they have drawn.
All the other players read the situation and choose their reaction card matching their feeling for the situation, and place it, face down in front of them.
Round 3 - Revelation
During the revelation phase, all players turn in their reserved reaction cards at the same time.
The players are free to talk peacefully, respectfully and without judging, the reactions of each other.
The referee then helps the players to count the reaction of each type to determine if the active player wins their bet /guessing (if they guessed correctly if they will be among minority, majority, etc., of liking, disliking or loving the situation). If the player has guessed it, they keep the situation card as a victory point.
submit your work
Feel free to share you work with the unplugged partners and even with the European teacher's community! This will enable us to follow your achievements and reward you with game materials and other surprises to thank you for your participation in raising children's critical thinking! You rock!
Going further
Topic 1 - Expressing opinion: To further develop healthy communication and expressing of opinion you may wish to refer to other Unplugged games, among which: Brainstorming, The Perfect City, Live in Harmony, etc.
To read more about logical reasoning you may see https://www.rolemodels.me/news/express-opinions-confidently
Topic 2 - Expressing feelings: To further foster expressing of feelings you may wish to refer to other Unplugged games, among which: Clay and Sculpture, Poverty-free game collection, Live in Harmony, etc.
To read more about how to develop emotional intelligence you may see https://ideas.ted.com/how-to-raise-emotionally-intelligent-kids/ or https://www.understood.org/en/articles/the-importance-of-emotional-intelligence-for-kids-with-learning-and-thinking-differences
Topic 3 - Inclusivity: To further foster children develop their feeling towards you may wish to refer to other Unplugged games, among which: Poverty-free game collection, Live in Harmony, Cookies and Peace, Equal, etc
To have an overall glance to inclusivity you may refer to https://www.twinkl.bg/teaching-wiki/inclusion