onboarding Binary Couting
Count like a computer using the binary number system offline

onboarding Programming a choreography
Unplugged challenge to understand programming

onboarding Brainstorming
Unleashing kids creativity through discussions

onboarding Likadislike
Overcoming pre-conceived notions in the classroom
onboarding Brain Twister
Explore computer commanding while doing physical activities
peaceful island Form factor
Confronting children with the need for inclusiveness

peaceful island Peace Magic Grid
Unplugged programming challenge using parity concept

peaceful island Equal
Overcoming gender stereotypes in a gameful setting

peaceful island Poverty-free game
Fostering creativity and discussing access to leisure for all

peaceful island Cookies and Peace
Understanding sustainable food systems

peaceful island Clay & Sculpture
Interpreting and understanding the feelings of each other

strong community Reroute better world
Understand the impact of personal actions towards others

strong community Farm in the city
Unplugged programming challenge for approaching nodes

strong community Live in Harmony
Explore our identity: personal, regional and nation-state

crazy bayou Plastic continent
Work on harmful consequences of human on earth and oceans

crazy bayou Good Ways
Raising awareness on climate, and responsible consumption

crazy bayou Ecosystem in a jar
Understanding climate change and influence of human actions

crazy bayou Visitor of the Future
Understanding finite state automata

fantastic factory Memory
Learn about the world of technology and programming

fantastic factory The Perfect City
Detect and overcome manipulative behaviours

fantastic factory Iterative Clues
Raising awareness on laws and rules related to new technologies

fantastic factory Pop-up city of the Future
Creating artistic universes related to the future earth

fantastic factory Fantasy out there!
Developing imagination, open-mindedness and creativity